Weapon or Machine?

Gamers see, hear and perceive things differently from mere mortal beings like us, don’t they?
They live in a world of their own!

A desk may be that covet hiding spot.
A cabinet becomes an ammo storage facility.
A harmless plant turns into a man-eater.
And a gaming PC transforms into their greatest weapon in their quest for victory.

Client: HP China (PSG)
In collaboration with PMG China creative team

Title: Weapon of Choice
Client: HP China
 (Personal Systems Group)

Strategy/ECD: Andy Tan
Creative Head: Lyonne Tan
Booth Art Direction: Adam Tan

China Creative Team
Creative Director: Tommy Song
Art Directors: Ray, Rene, Aigo, Jerry
Designers: Olivia, Olina, Franck, Iris
Copywriter: Hanhan
Digital Imaging: 张利
Video: 北京完美动力动画艺术

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